Thursday, 18 February 2010

4(2)- Cutting, opening and shutting

C (the first three)
It might be the ceiling under the table. When you pull part of the table down, the light come through…
D (the forth one)
It reminds me of … old type writer
E (the last one)
It’s the telescope of year 1718 through which the light projects the spiral staircase of 1517 on to the floor of 1818…

Next drawing:
Spectacle case sitting on the table and when you open it, there’s a telescope in it.

4(1)- Cutting, opening and shutting


Cut up thin piece of paper to get a line. When you pull the line, it can go through the original drawing to create space. So that the solid is moved away and let light come through.

Create the column head as top of the leg of table, and create the table top as coat. In the coat there’s glasses case. When you open it, there’s a telescope and they are all made of paper, unfolded for looking through the system. They are all things from different points in time.

A (the first two)
It is delicate and talks about transparency, light, geometry and cutting, the flow and movement of surface, colour and depth. The background should be subtle.
B(the last one)
Comment:Hard modeling and rigid, random and become just a thing.
To be continue...

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Term2. week3.3 Mirage

A pigeon fancier has just raced his pigeons, from the drawing room to a pigeon house. The image of drawing room is unreal; it’s a mirage of a distance space. And the people in drawing room are racing funs with unforeseeable changes.

Term2. week3.2 Skirting board

A drawing to see the changes of the style of skirting board, from medieval to Georgian to Victoria time. The drawing tries to discuss the functional changes of the skirting board as well, that it serves as interface of two dimensional surface but its height changed according to the change of living style (e.g. the change of furniture layout).

Term2. week3.1 Drawing Room and Pigeon House

Drawing Room and Pigeon House

In Alexander Pope’s account of Stanton Harcourt manor house, there was a pigeon house that in his imagination a drawing room.
The drawing discusses the connection between actual and virtual world. That the actual world sometimes violently breaks the virtual imagination, the link/barrier between them is weak and fragile.