What is it:
An architecture that changes over time
The architecture that contains the traces of changes
1. Showing the hidden changes by steaming on nets, make the former form visible and disappearing slowly. Reminding the changes form present to past and from past to present.
2. Mainly divide my project into three periods of time: the Alexander Pope (1688-1744); the Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864, Dickens was in the same period with Hawthorne and he had not visited the house); the modern (21st century)
The style of objects that changed:
A. the architrave
B. the skirt of wall
C. the leg of table
D. the (iron-nailed) door
So there are a series of shunt architectures that deal with the change of styles of the objects listed above.
And during the performance of each SHUNT, part of it will leave trace of a certain time and these traces come together to form a new moment that may invoke/remind you of one of the period (Pope, Hawthorne or modern). But the certain moment, in fact, is a combination of different contents of different time.
These factors will be observed and presented: changes of light, texture, color and structure….Fluid (paint?), solid (sand, grass?), gaseous (fog, steam, light?) materials will be needed.
Every one in the world is like a camera. So within a same space, there is no same perspective as to everyone.
So if showing you something with an opposite angle to the one you view. You may not recognize it immediately. But you will feel familiar with it. However odd the perspective might be, it contain almost everything you’ve been through. The difference lies in the minor role becoming the major role, or vice versa.
The situation will become harder to recognize when experiencing the same thing at different time and different perspective. That causes you “déjà vu”: familiarity and strangeness at the same time. This enquires about an architectural question: recognition through time. People’s love of art changes over time, and the style of architecture changes accordingly. But there is no defined line between styles, the more information architecture contains, the more complicated to identify its style.
Therefore, multi-perspective will be introduced in my project.
One sentence of the description that I think can be developed more in the project:
Upon opening the iron-nailed door, you are convinced by a flight of birds about your ears and a cloud of dust in your eyes, that is the pigeon house.